Vickers calculator m 34
Our first calculator to meet the requirements of air defence. Purchased from the UK in the mid-1930s as a calculator for the heavy 76 mm Vickers anti-aircraft cannons that were acquired at the same time.
- lateral advance: 40 degrees
- vertical advance: 13 degrees
- altitude: 7000 m
- weight: 270 kg
- weight of base: 61 kg
Vickers calculators were used in 5 different types, each one for a different cannon type:
- Vickers Va 76 ItK/28 B and 76 ItK/29 B
- Vickers Vb 76 ItK/27 BK
- Vickers Vc 76 ItK/34 V
- Vickers VI and VIA 76 ItK/16 V
The model of the device exhibited is Vickers Vb.
References: Vehviläinen Raimo et al., Itsenäisen Suomen Ilmatorjuntatykit 1917–2000, Sotamuseo, Helsinki 2005; Palmu Pentti, Yön yli päivään – Suomen ilmatorjunnan vaiheita 1925–1990, Ilmatorjuntaupseeriyhdistys Ry, Helsinki 1989; Ilmatorjuntajoukot 1925–1960, Ilmatorjuntaupseeriyhdistys Ry, Helsinki 1963